Destron Fearing Duflex Reader GPRP(GRP+) Microchip Reader
Destron Fearing
Please remember to adjust the quantity to how many tags/products you are ordering. Bags of tags is a quantity of 1 per bag.
Destron Fearing Equine Microchip Global Pocket Reader Plus GPR+ scanner
Description of Destron Fearing Equine Microchip Global Pocket Reader Plus GPR+ scanner:
Destron Fearing Equine Microchip Global Pocket Reader Plus GPR+ scanner
Key Benefit of Destron Fearing Equine Microchip Global Pocket Reader Plus GPR+ scanner:
Reads and stores up to 3,000 microchip numbers
Includes bluetooth and USB cable for easy memory download
Reads 134.2 kHz (ISO), 128 kHz and 125 kHz (FDX-A) microchips
Displays and stores Microchip Temperatures when reading LifeChip with Bio-Thermo Technology
For further information on this product please see the instructions on the Destron website.
A premises ID is required when ordering 840 tags.
How to get a Premise ID Number: To obtain a premises ID (PIN), please contact the state animal health authority [Animal Disease Traceability (ADT) Administrator] for your state. A directory can be found at
Injectable Microchip can be used in Deer and read by ISO 11784/85 readers.