Information on Dairy Cows and ear tagging them
Dec 18, 2019
Information on Dairy Cows and ear tagging them
Holsteins are the most common dairy cow, but they’re not the only breed of cattle that produce dairy products. Holsteins, Jerseys, Guernseys, Ayrshires, Brown Swiss, Milking Shorthorns and Dutch Belted are the seven major dairy cow breeds.
And just as there are different breeds there are different preferences for how to best tag dairy cows. Here are the top 7 Dairy ear tags:
CCK Outfitters provides producers with Dairy Ear Tags that offer permanent solutions in tamperproof ear tags with fade-resistant imprinting and customizable options on visual ear tags to meet your specific requirements. We also sell both HDX and FDX RFID ear tags for producers needing Dairy EID ear tags. (Learn more about EID ear tags)
Dairy Programs and Dairy Associations generally have requirements for registered animals.Registered Dairy ear tags are USDA 840 Ear Tags and they come in 2 different types. (Learn more about USDA 840 ear tags). Official USDA 840 Ear tags require a Premise ID number to Order. (Learn how to get your premise ID number.)
Check with your State, Association or Program for rules but here are some of the basic Ear Tag requirements for registered Holstein from the Holstein Association.
- Requires a combination of two ear tags- One must be a Maxi or Large USDA 840 visual tag. First tag applied at birth, second Tag applied within six months of age.
- Provide each animal with a herd management number (learn more about easy herd management and setting up a numbering system)
- Option for a second visual tag with unique animal or farm information for 2nd identifier.
- Tag placement puts 840 EID ear tag in the left ear and Visual tags in the right ear.
Most Popular Dairy Ear Tags - click on the link for more information
Dairy Double - puts USDA 840 Maxi ear tag in front and Large Male ear tag on back of ear.
USDA 840 Maxi Numbered both sides 2 sets Dairy Ear Tags
USDA 840 Double set of Maxi Numbered front Ear Tags
Calf size Dairy Double USDA 840 Large Female Visual Numbered ear tag with Large Male Numbered tag
USDA 840 Visual Round and Button NOT EID
Dairy EID Ear Tags